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Membership Information & Benefits

Benefits of Membership: What are the benefits of NATHPO membership?

NATHPO offers a collective voice on issues that are of concern to all Tribes regarding historic preservation. However, in no way does belonging to NATHPO diminish or supersede your individual Tribal voice on the same issues. Rather, NATHPO amplifies individual voices into a joint effort that benefits us all. In order to keep doing the most effective work we can, we need the support of all THPOs. Please consider becoming a member. Your support is the backbone of our work and gives us the freedom to work on overarching issues that are of importance to all Tribes and THPOs.

In building our NATHPO community we are also building our family of THPOs. Through:

  • Opportunities to participate & be involved with fellow THPOs
  • Free events, webinars, workshops throughout the year
  • Discounted Annual Conference Registration
  • Member portal facilitates easy interaction with NATHPO & knowledge exchange among members
  • Information & resources specific to the needs of THPOs


Regular, Full Membership is restricted to Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs) who are employed by an Indian Tribe that has been officially recognized by the National Park Service (NPS). Annual dues for full, Regular Members are $500.

Associate Membership is open to Tribal governments (and their institutions) that are: (a) seeking or considering seeking NPS approval to operate a THPO program; or (b) actively support NATHPO’s goals and missions. Associate Membership Dues are $250 a year.

For more information contact:

Valerie Grussing, Executive Director
P.O. Box 19189
Washington, DC 20036-9189

202-628-THPO (202-628-8476)