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NPS LCWF Section 106 Alternative - Comments Due TODAY, June 28, 2024: The NPS is soliciting feedback on its process for satisfying responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. § 306108) related to its Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) financial assistance programs. In previous consultation meetings, NPS has discussed the current process and whether a program alternative can best assist the NPS in improving the Section 106 process for these undertakings. NPS requests comments TODAY, June 28, 2024. Please upload your comments via the Park Service website HERE, or you may send to lwcf_compliance@nps.gov. NATHPO has finalized its comment lettJer, which is attached to this email and can be found on our website HERE.

Draft DHS Environmental Justice Strategic Plan - Tribal Consultations, July 8 & 10, 2024: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is revising its Environmental Justice (EJ) Strategy (Fiscal Year 2021-2025). DHS is inviting Tribal Nations to consult at one of two consultation meetings on July 8 and 10, 2024, via Microsoft Teams. You can find more details about DHS's announcement and the consultation meetings (including how to register) on NATHPO's Events Page HEREDHS is also accepting written comments by July 22, 2024. Those comments can be sent to DHSEnvironmentalJustice@hq.dhs.gov. NATHPO will also be providing comment, and once it is finalized, we will make that comment available on our website HERE.

NATHPO regularly submits comment letters to federal agencies advocating on behalf of Tribal communities and their THPOs. You can find several of our most recent letters HERE, and if you know of an upcoming deadline and want NATHPO to consider submitting comment, please contact Melissa Madrigal at melissa@nathpo.org.


In just a few short weeks we'll kick off the 24th Annual NATHPO Conference and Sacred Places Summit August 12-16, 2024, at the Ho-Chunk Gaming Resort ion the Wisconsin Dells.

If you haven't registered yet, head on over to our website and sign up today! Rates go up on August 1, so be sure to get your reservations in soon!

Also, if you would like to become one of our conference sponsors, please contact please contact Melissa Madrigal at melissa@nathpo.org. Information about sponsorship rates is available HERE

We can't wait to see you!


For several weeks in May and June, the Prairie Island Indian Community’s THPO and Minnesota State University, Mankato, conducted their 5th annual summer archaeological field school. You can check out our Facebook post on the field school HERE.

Thanks so much to Prairie Island Indian Community Compliance Officer Franky Jackson for letting us share this important work. If you or your Tribe have a story you'd like NATHPO to share, please feel free to reach out to Media@NATHPO.org.


The month since we sent our last newsletter has been busy for Team NATHPO! Here are just a few examples of what we've been up to.

Preservation Week Congressional Briefing: NATHPO Executive Director Dr. Valerie Grussing participated in a congressional briefing hosted by Preservation Action and joined by representatives from the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and others. Valerie stressed the need to ensure consultation with Tribes and THPOs is meaningful and not merely an exercise in “checking the box,” as well as the need to give THPOs the financial support they need to adequately review all the projects being proposed and developed on their trust land or within their ancestral homelands.

Cal THPO/SHPO Summit: NATHPO Indigenization Director Stacy Laravie (Ponca) and Operations Director Melissa Madrigal presented to the 2024 California THPO/SHPO Summit. They gave the California THPOs an update on what NATHPO has been doing and solicited feedback from them on ways we can better serve the THPO community.

Cultural Protection Resource Summit: NATHPO Executive Director Dr. Valerie Grussing and Senior Attorney for the Native American Rights Fund Wesley Furlong presented at the 17th Annual Cultural Protection Resource Summit. They discussed a wide range of issues important to Tribes and THPOs, including their work with the Biden Administration to help ensure that the rapid expansion of clean energy and infrastructure projects does not conflict with their stated support for protecting sacred places and preserving cultural heritage.

NPS NAGPRA Review Committee: NATHPO Indigenization Director Stacy Larvie (Ponca) delivered comments to the NPS NAGPRA Review Committee. Stacy spoke to NATHPO’s priorities around NAGPRA, including the need for Tribes and THPOs to receive adequate financial support for repatriation work and the need to ensure there is adequate oversight over NAGPRA implementation and real accountability for failure to comply.

ACHP Panel: Pala Band of Mission Indians THPO and NATHPO Board Chair Dr. Shasta Gaughen participated in an ACHP panel discussion entitled "Disappearing Indigenous Heritage; Climate Change and Community Displacement. If you want to watch the video you can find it HERE.

To get news about what Team NATHPO's been doing, as well as news about and important to THPOs, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

NATHPO Community Calendar & Job Board & Grant Opportunities

Stay current on important happenings using our new Calendar of Events, and post your own to share! And let us know if you have a job posting you would like to share and we'll post it on our Community Job Board. AND don't forget to browse our listing of relevant Grant Opportunities.

Save The Date! 2024 NATHPO Annual Conference & Sacred Places Summit

The 24th Annual NATHPO Conference & Sacred Places Summit will take place August 12-16, 2024, at the Ho-Chunk Gaming Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Register here before rates go up on August 1, and stay tuned for more details, and be sure to mark these days on your calendars!

If you would like to become one of our conference sponsors, please contact please contact Melissa Madrigal at melissa@nathpo.org. Information about sponsorship rates is available HERE.

Thank you for all you do to protect culturally important places that perpetuate Native identity, resilience, and cultural endurance, and to empower Tribal preservation leaders.

Valerie J. Grussing, PhD
NATHPO Executive Director
valerie@nathpo.org | 202-628-8476

THPOs: this is your organization! Your participation and support through membership and dues make our work possible. JOIN OR RENEW TODAY! Founded in 1998, the Association is a national non-profit membership organization of Tribal government officials who implement federal and Tribal preservation laws.
Thank you for all you do to protect culturally important places that perpetuate Native identity, resilience, and cultural endurance, and to empower Tribal preservation leaders.

Valerie J. Grussing, PhD
NATHPO Executive Director
valerie@nathpo.org | 202-628-8476

THPOs: this is your organization! Your participation and support through membership and dues make our work possible. JOIN OR RENEW TODAY! Founded in 1998, the Association is a national non-profit membership organization of Tribal government officials who implement federal and Tribal preservation laws.