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NATHPO Webinar for Tribes on Bulletin 38 (TCPs)

On January 25, 2024, the National Park Service (NPS) issued a request for comment on their Draft of Updated National Register Bulletin: Identifying, Evaluating, and Documenting Traditional Cultural Places (Draft TCP Bulletin). Comments are due to NPS by March 25

Prior to the comment deadline of the Draft TCP Bulletin, NATHPO is hosting a webinar for THPOs and Tribal representatives and staff on March 12, 2024 at 2pm ET, on the proposed changes. During the webinar, NARF Senior Staff Attorney Wesley Furlong will walk through key points NATHPO intends to raise in its comments, which we will distribute when they are finalized. We are also hoping to hear from you about the comments you intend to submit. We want to use the webinar to provide space to discuss the changes to the Draft TCP Bulletin, hear your thoughts and concerns, and discuss what next steps we can take as the changes take effect. We hope you can make time for this interactive dialogue as we prepare comments for NPS.
THPOs and Tribal representatives and staff can register for NATHPO's webinar on the NPS Draft TCP Bulletin HERE.

NATHPO Webinar for Tribes on USACE Appendix C Rescission

On February 9, 2024, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced a rulemaking to formally rescind 33 CFR Part 325, Appendix C, which the Army Corps has used since 1980 to “comply” with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. In its place, the Army Corps will use 36 CFR Part 800 to comply with Section 106. As part of the rulemaking, the USACE is holding a virtual meeting for THPOs and other Tribal representatives on March 21, 2024 (the details for that meeting are below), and comments on the rulemaking are due to USACE on April 9, 2024.

Prior to the USACE Tribal meeting, NATHPO is hosting a webinar for THPOs and Tribal representatives and staff on March 14, 2024 at 2pm ET, on the Appendix C rulemaking. During the webinar, NARF Senior Staff Attorney Wesley Furlong will walk through key points NATHPO intends to raise in its comments, which we will share once they are finalized. We are also hoping to hear from you about the comments you intend to submit or raise with the Army Corps. We want to use the webinar to provide space to discuss the rescission of Appendix C, hear your thoughts and concerns, and discuss what next steps we can urge the Army Corps to take as they transition away from Appendix C. We hope you can make time for this interactive dialogue as we prepare comments for the Army Corps as they move away from Appendix C.

THPOs and Tribal representatives and staff can register for NATHPO's webinar on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposal to rescind Appendix C HERE.

U.S. Army Corps Tribal Virtual Meeting on Appendix C Rescission

Meeting Date and Time: March 21, 2024, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Webinar Link: https://www.zoomgov.com/s/1612721966
Passcode: 965060
Call-in Number: 669-254-5252
Meeting ID: 161 272 1966
NATHPO regularly submits comment letters to federal agencies advocating on behalf of Tribal communities and their THPOs. You can find several of our most recent letters HERE, and if you know of an upcoming deadline and want NATHPO to consider submitting comment, please contact Melissa Madrigal at melissa@nathpo.org.

NATHPO Community Calendar, Job Board, & Grant Opportunities

Stay current on important happenings using our Calendar of Events and post your own to share! Let us know if you have a job posting you would like to share, and we'll post it on our Community Job Board. AND don't forget to browse our listing of relevant Grant Opportunities.

Save The Date! 2024 NATHPO Annual Conference & Sacred Places Summit

The 24th Annual NATHPO Conference & Sacred Places Summit will take place August 12-16, 2024, at the Ho-Chunk Gaming Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Register here and take advantage of early bird rates through April 30, stay tuned for more details, and be sure to mark these days on your calendars!

If you would like to become one of our conference sponsors, please contact please contact Melissa Madrigal at melissa@nathpo.org. Information about sponsorship rates is available HERE.

Thank you for all you do to protect culturally important places that perpetuate Native identity, resilience, and cultural endurance, and to empower Tribal preservation leaders.

Valerie J. Grussing, PhD
NATHPO Executive Director
valerie@nathpo.org | 202-628-8476

THPOs: this is your organization! Your participation and support through membership and dues make our work possible. JOIN OR RENEW TODAY! Founded in 1998, the Association is a national non-profit membership organization of Tribal government officials who implement federal and Tribal preservation laws.