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The new NAGPRA regulations are final! How’s it going for you? Do you need help understanding what it all means? We do too!

Please join us for a Tribes-only virtual discussion on Tuesday, February 6 at 1:00 pm ET.

This webinar is free and please REGISTER HERE for the Zoom link.
You do not need to login to register.

In particular, NATHPO is continuing to work through implications of the sections regarding excavations and discoveries on Tribal lands and duty of care. We invite and encourage you to come share your thoughts with us and the community of THPOs. We are also getting requests from federal agency staff for help understanding it all, and we want to make sure that we take this opportunity to elevate your perspectives in any guidance!

NATHPO's Repatriation Advisor, Dr. Tim McKeown will be on-hand to give his current take on the new regulations, answer questions, and collect questions we need answered and feedback we need to share.

This webinar is intended for THPOs and Tribal representatives and staff only. We look forward to engaging our entire audience in future discussions on this topic.

This webinar is free and please REGISTER HERE for the Zoom link.
You do not need to login to register.


The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Executive Council will gather February 12-15 in Washington, DC for their annual meeting. If members of your Tribe's leadership are planning to attend, it would be helpful for our advocacy to know. Please share with us by emailing valerie@nathpo.org. We would love to be able to connect with as many Tribal Leaders as possible while they're in Washington and make sure they know how they can best support their THPOs as they meet with Members of Congress and Executive Branch officials.

NATHPO Community Calendar & Job Board & Grant Opportunities

Stay current on important happenings using our new Calendar of Events, and post your own to share! And let us know if you have a job posting you would like to share and we'll post it on our Community Job Board. AND don't forget to browse our listing of relevant Grant Opportunities.

Save The Date! 2024 NATHPO Annual Conference

The 24th Annual NATHPO Conference will take place August 12-16, 2024, at the Ho-Chunk Gaming Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Stay tuned for more details and be sure to mark these days on your calendars!

Thank you for all you do to protect culturally important places that perpetuate Native identity, resilience, and cultural endurance, and to empower Tribal preservation leaders.

Valerie J. Grussing, PhD
NATHPO Executive Director
valerie@nathpo.org | 202-628-8476

THPOs: this is your organization! Your participation and support through membership and dues make our work possible. JOIN OR RENEW TODAY! Founded in 1998, the Association is a national non-profit membership organization of Tribal government officials who implement federal and Tribal preservation laws.